Resources for researchers

Website updating made easier with HCC's Wordpress guide

Screenshot of a Wordpress feature

Many researchers come to us with a particular website challenge: They have spent the time and money to develop a website for their project, study, or lab, but over time, find themselves unable to update it.

An outdated site can reflect poorly on the site’s owner, particularly when it is a researcher who is trying to communicate about the cutting-edge research occurring in their lab or center. An outdated site can also cause study participants to question a study’s importance and possibly their own participation.

To ensure that Health Communication Core (HCC) clients don’t find themselves unable to update their sites, we use a platform called Wordpress to build websites.

Why Wordpress?

Wordpress is a widely used, open-source, free platform that has an easy-to-use content management system for updating websites. We find it is a key component of our flexible, cost-effective website solutions.

Download our free Wordpress guide

While the Wordpress user-friendly interface is easy to learn, it’s helpful to have a guide to reference when updating a site. If you have a website developed with Wordpress, download a PDF of our guide to make your site updates easier. If your site was developed with a different platform (such as Drupal), contact us for a different guide and/or assistance.

And, of course, we are always available to assist in updating your site and to answer any questions. Some researchers prefer to contract with us to handle their site updates and find it is an easy, low-cost way to ensure their site is up to date.